2023 Review of LQCD Extension III and NPPLC Initiatives
(LQCD-ext III)

Date: May 22-24, 2023

Zoom Meeting



Review Participants

Charge to the Review Committee

Response to Reviewer Questions


  • Zoom Meeting

USQCD Scientific Program Documentation

Selected NSAC Long-Range Plan Town Hall Reports
Resolution on Computational Nuclear Physics Alessandro Lovato et al. indico
The Present and Future of QCD Xiaochao Zheng et al. inSPIRE
Fundamental Symmetries, Neutrons, and Neutrinos Jonathan Engel et al. inSPIRE

Selected Snowmass Contributions and Reports

Lattice QCD and Particle Physics Andreas Kronfeld inSPIRE
Lattice QCD and the Computational Frontier Peter Boyle inSPIRE
Topical Group on Lattice Gauge Theory Zohreh Davoudi, Ethan Neil inSPIRE
Rare & Precision Frontier Marina Artuso, Robert Bernstein, Alexey Petrov inSPIRE
Neutrino Frontier Patrick Huber, Kate Scholberg, Elizabeth Worcester inSPIRE
Energy Frontier Meenakshi Narain, Laura Reina, Alessandro Tricoli inSPIRE

2018-2019 USQCD White Papers

Hot, Dense QCD Frithjof Karsch, Swagato Mukherjee inSPIRE
Hadrons and Nuclei William Detmold, Robert Edwards inSPIRE
The Role of Lattice QCD in Searches for Violations of Fundamental Symmetries and Signals for New Physics Zohreh Davoudi, Vincenzo Cirigliano inSPIRE
Lattice QCD and Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering Andreas Kronfeld, David Richards inSPIRE
Opportunities for Lattice QCD in Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics Christoph Lehner, Stefan Meinel inSPIRE
Lattice Gauge Theory for Physics Beyond the Standard Model Richard Brower, Anna Hasenfratz, Ethan Neil inSPIRE
Status and Future Perspectives for Lattice Gauge Theory Calculations to the Exascale and Beyond Balint Joo, Chulwoo Jung inSPIRE

Other Documents

Project Documentation

Past Project Review Reports and Submissions

last modified by Ken Herner on May 24, 2023.