Lattice QCD Meets Experiment Workshop 2010
April 26-27, 2010
Increasingly precise lattice QCD calculations play an essential role in analyzing flavor physics experiments. Many important experimental analyses are able make an important contribution to CKM constraints only with the aid of lattice calculations. In numerous cases, there is great potential for further progress in both theory and experiment. This workshop will allow experamenters and lattice theorists with overlapping interests to compare current analyses and to asses the prospects for future progress.
Topics: K, D, and B mesons leptonic and semileptonic decays, meson-antimeson mixing, spectroscopy, current and future high-precision flavor experiments.
Schedule of talks.
Speakers: email links to your talks or pdf to Chris Bouchard,, for linking on the schedule of talks web page.
The program will begin at 9:00 AM both days. It will run until around 6:00 PM on April 26, and until late afternoon on April 27. Much of the program will consist of overview talks focusing on summaries of current status, prospects, and the needs of theory and experiment from each other. The talks will be relatively brief, with ample time scheduled for discussion, as in the program from previous workshops at Fermilab and at SLAC.
Register by sending email to
There will be no registration fee.
Other information
When: April 26-27, 2014.
Where: Fermilab, 1 West.
Organizers: David Asner (Carleton), Brendan Casey (Fermilab), Michal Kreps (Karlsruhe), Paul Mackenzie (Fermilab), Michael Roney (Victoria), Junko Shigemitsu (Ohio State), Ruth Van de Water (BNL).
Breakfast and lunch: Breakfast and lunch will be available in the Fermilab cafeteria.
Monday Dinner:
Monday evening, meet at the Users' Center in the Fermilab Village, ~6:00. Fermilab site map.
Dinner at Meson Sabika, ~7:00. Directions to Meson Sabika.
Accomodations: hotels near Fermilab.
Travel information: visiting Fermilab.